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Features built into iPhone that help you improve your health

Features built into iPhone that help you improve your health

The iPhone has a plethora of built-in features that help you improve your health and lifestyle without the need to install any third-party apps. It contains a feature that helps you reduce the time of using the phone, and a set of features to improve sleep quality, in addition to a feature that reminds you to take medications and nutritional supplements, and other features that we will mention in the following:

1- The screen time feature to reduce the time of using the iPhone:

If you spend a lot of time using your iPhone whether to play games or watch short videos on TikTok and YouTube, you may need to set some limits, as addiction to phones is an unhealthy habit that can negatively affect your life and relationships.

And to help you reduce the time you use your iPhone, Apple added a built-in feature in iOS called Screen Time that helps you track the average daily and weekly time you spend using the iPhone.

In addition to the time you spend using specific apps, making it easy for you to see which apps you use the most and set a time limit for using them.

To access the Screen Time feature, go to the Settings app, then choose Screen Time, where you will find useful tools to help you reduce phone use. This includes the Downtime tool for scheduling specific periods to stop using the iPhone, and the App Limits tool for setting daily limits for using specific apps.

2- Sleep focus mode to improve sleep quality:

Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep each night, but getting notifications can be difficult to achieve. Instead of customizing each app's notifications, you can set up the Sleep Focus feature by following these steps; To help you improve your sleep and boost your health:

Go to the Settings app, then select Focus.

Choose (sleep) Sleep, or click the (+) button in the upper right corner of the screen to add sleep focus mode if it did not exist previously. You can customize your sleep focus on this page by allowing notifications from specific people and apps when this feature is turned on.

But if you want to set up a recurring sleep schedule, go to the Health app, tap the Browse tab in the lower right corner of the screen, and select Sleep. Next, click on Sleep Schedule in the Your Schedule section to customize a recurring sleep schedule. For example, You can create a specific sleep schedule for weekdays and a different one for the weekend.

3- Medications feature to track medicines and nutritional supplements:

Medications is a feature in the Health app that helps you keep track of your medications or supplements using your iPhone, useful if you often forget to take your medications, or if you need to take multiple medications at different times. With this feature, you can easily set up medication reminders with just a few clicks and get notified when it's time to take a medication.

To use this feature, follow these steps:

Go to the Health app, then tap Browse in the lower right corner.

Select Medications, and click Add a Medication.

Search for the name of the medicine or type the name of the medicine manually.

Follow the instructions that will appear on the screen to choose the type of medication, add and other details.

4- Night Shift mode to improve sleep quality:

iPhone and other blue light-emitting devices such as tablets, computers, or televisions can negatively affect the quality and quantity of your sleep. This is because prolonged exposure to the blue light from these devices can interfere with the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for regulating sleep.

But at times you may have to use a phone before bed, at those times focus on mitigating the effects of blue light by activating the Night Shift mode that adjusts the brightness of the colors on the iPhone screen and makes them warmer, making it easier to relax and prepare for sleep.

To activate Night Shift on the iPhone, go to Settings, then select Display & Brightness, then activate Night Shift and set a date to activate it automatically every day.

5- Background sounds feature to help you focus or relax:

The background sounds feature can help you focus or relax, as it provides natural sounds such as rain or ocean waves, which block out other unwanted noises in the environment around you.

You can turn on background sounds on your iPhone by following these steps:

Go to the Settings app, then select Accessibility.

Select (Audio/Visual), then (Background Sounds).

Activate the “Background Sounds” option, and the sound will sound directly.

Click the Sound option to choose from other available sounds such as (Balanced Noise), (Ocean), (Rain), and others. 
