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The White House is getting important pledges from AI giants


The White House is getting important pledges from AI giants

The White House is getting important pledges from AI giants

Seven leading AI companies, including Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI, will meet Friday at the White House, pledging to find ways for consumers to identify AI-generated material and to test the security of their tools before they are released to the public.
 Amazon, Anthropic, and Inflection are likely to be among the combined companies. Today, each of the seven companies agreed to a set of voluntary commitments to advance AI technology
. Voluntary commitments include developing a way for consumers to identify content generated by the emerging technology, such as adding watermarks, as well as engaging independent experts to assess the security of its tools before they are released to the public.
 The seven companies are committed to sharing information on best practices for the technology, providing assurances to other industry players, governments, and outside experts, and are committed to allowing third parties to search for and report security vulnerabilities in their systems.
 Artificial intelligence companies must report the limitations of their technology, and guide the appropriate uses of artificial intelligence tools, in addition to giving priority to research related to societal risks of artificial intelligence, including discrimination and privacy, and they must develop technology with the aim of helping to mitigate societal challenges, such as climate change and diseases.

Security has emerged as a major concern in the world of artificial intelligence since the release of OpenAI late last year, the chatbot GPT, which can respond to simple text inputs with sophisticated, creative, and interactive responses. Big tech companies and investors are pouring billions of dollars into the large language models that underpin so-called generative AI. In an open letter in May, industry experts and leaders raised concerns about the “risk of extinction from AI” and urged policymakers to equate the risks of the technology with those posed by pandemics and nuclear war.

The recent commitments made by the tech giants are part of US President Joe Biden's efforts to ensure that artificial intelligence is developed with appropriate safeguards, while not impeding innovation.

Congress is studying rules on the technology, though implementing the standards could take months or years as lawmakers continue to learn from experts about how the technology works and the related risks involved.

As for the executives expected to attend the White House meeting on Friday, they are CEO of Amazon Web Services (Adam Slipsky), CEO of Anthropic (Dario Amodi), Head of Global Affairs at Google (Kent Walker), CEO of Inflection (Mustafa Suleiman), Head of Meta Global Affairs (Nick Clegg), President of Microsoft (Brad Smith), and President of Open AI (Greg Brockman).

The Biden administration said it has already consulted with many other countries on voluntary commitments and is working to ensure they complement international efforts when it comes to putting up protections around the technology.
